Freitag, 16. August 2019

I'm on a mission

So, I haven't posted anything in a while because quite honestly - I wasn't sure anyone was reading this at all. But this all changed today...

My friends and I talked about another blog the other day - like a lot - and I got a bit jealous. So I tried to (not completely serious) lure my friends onto this blog to get more traffic ;-)
One of my friends - well I wouldn't really call him a friend, more like an acquaintance - made it pretty clear that hell would freeze over before he'd ever come to this site. This lead me to making it my mission for the rest of this year to get him to visit my blog.

My ideas so far to get to achieve this are:

  1. Social Engineering - I will try to get him through one of the channels (e.g. Whatsapp) through which we already communicate to click on a link to my blog (I have already tried with url shortening, but he is smarter than he looks)
  2. Phishing - Once I have his EMail-Address I will try sending him great offers that he can't refuse - all leading to this page (I know a certain Nigerian prince who wants to give away some of his money - maybe he is willing to help)
  3. XSS - this one will be a bit harder to pull of because a lot of the web sites that he visits on a regular basis already prevent XSS attacks - and I would probably have to purchase advertising space there which could cost me quite a bit (but hey, it is probably worth it)
  4. Seduction - I will produce so much great content here that he won't be able to resist anymore at one point. I am still collecting ideas on topics but I think one of the following should work:
    • Going Vegan - I could become a vegan and not only that - a raw fruit and vegetable vegan
    • Starting Cross Fit - I'm suspecting him having a secret crush on me which is why he teases me that much - starting to do Cross Fit and sharing my amazing body transformations is a honey pot he won't be able to resist
    • Explaining why flying is good for the environment - He is a frequent flyer (due to business reasons - or so he claims) and he might regret some of that due to the current climate change debate - if I can provide scientific "proof" that flying is actually good for the environment he might stumble upon this page by accident
    • Become a soccer expert - this one might actually be too easy to achieve but he is an enthusiastic soccer fan and if I invest 30-60 minute per week I should be able to provide thoughtful and helpful player analytics in a week or two. That is what he needs to win his fantasy soccer league for maybe the first time ever.
    • Something about nipples - the idea is really at a very early stage but this might actually be the trojan horse he let's into his city
So, the rough plan is defined - let's get to work!

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